Morning Announcements
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December 10
Thursday, December 10

Announcements for Thursday– December 10, 2015
Cougar Pride continues with Chelsea Golding and Cara Gilliland who showed the true spirit of kindness yesterday by reaching out to someone who needed a smile. Thank you girls, what you did was so nice.
The cafeteria will be having an Alarm Clock special on Thursday and Friday of this week and on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of next week. If you are the lucky person at the cash when the alarm goes off, you’ll win a prize. There will be one prize awarded each of the five days.
Chess Club today after school in Mr. Crowther’s room from 3:00 – 4:30.
Music News:
A big congratulations to all Band and Singing Club students!  You all were fantastic in last night’s concert. 
This is a reminder to Singing club and Concert band students that your Permission forms for Monday’s Kingsway Care Centre performance need to be brought in tomorrow.  If you need a new Permission form, please see Mrs. Rattray. 
Congratulations to Meg Costain and Vanessa Steadman for being the first students to guess all 10 carols on the Music bulletin board.
Sports New:
Good luck to the Varsity boys basketball team as they host Sussex Middle School at 4pm today.
Congratulations to the JV boys basketball team on defeating Hampton last night. The team will practice from 5:30 -7pm tonight.
Would the JV girls basketball team please go to the gym at break today.
We are looking for score keepers for game tomorrow (JV Girls). Please see Mr. Long if interested.
In Grade 8 Intramural Action:
New Zealand vs China
India vs Korea
Referees will be the 6 Chicks


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